Tuesday 28 April 2009


April 28, 2009 at 1:23 pm (DesertPeace Editorial, Holidays, Israel, Nakba, Palestine)

At sundown tonight Israelis will mark the 61st anniversary of the founding funding of their state.

Often we hear university students living away from home referring to their parents as ‘the rents’. Why? Simply because it is usually the parents that foot the bill for their accommodations. In many cases the students themselves could not make it on their own.

So is the case with Israel, they have been funded from abroad for the past 61 years. They have never attempted to even try making it on their own. From day one they have stolen, lied, and killed to maintain what they call their own. From day one their supporters were aware of this but continued to pour in billions of dollars annually.

The following is ‘just one video that Israel does not want you to see’…

This is a fairly new video that shows the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza during the recent blitzkrieg…

Just remember, Israel could not have done these things alone.


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